The institutes academic departments provide our students with the essential foundations of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that meet all of the professional standards of training in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Asian Manual Therapies, Health Energetics and other Taoist healing practices.
Prepares future therapists for safe, competent and effective professional practice of Acupuncture in independent or integrated clinics and wellness centers.
Develops herbalist candidates in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, for independent or integrated practices with safety, competency, and effectiveness.
Manual Therapies
Trains practitioners in Asian Bodywork systems including Tuina, Acupressure, Guasha, Cupping and Moxibustion for safe and effective clinical application.
Biomedical Sciences
Empowers practitioners with fundamentals of theoretical knowledge in Human Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology as well as Pharmacology.
Health Energetics
Introduces Taoist concepts and practices of cultivating "Qi" for self healing and clinical applications in form of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Medical Qi Gong.
Clinical Practice
Affords opportunities for hands on practice in Clean Needle and unique clinical internship and externship experiences with local and international clinics.